2. Shop for Glass like a Pro

2. Shop for Glass like a Pro

When you are shopping for glass at our store you will see a code written on our Lucent Glass and Art store sticker. This code corresponds with the manufacturer's stock code. This code tell us a lot about the glass. It describes who produces the glass, the colour using a numerical system, the texture of the glass and if the glass is fusible and/or iridescent(IR.) The goal of this blog post is to give you more insight on how these stock codes describe the appearance of the art glass. Since these codes are universal, when you are trying to match a glass or have a specific glass in mind, providing your art glass supplier with the manufacturer stock code is the most efficient way to match the glass you are looking for.

After personally reaching out to ask our glass manufacturers for more information on how they code their glass the consistent answer was that at some point it becomes somewhat random as it is impossible to create a perfect numerical system. This blog is quite technical but it is very interesting to know more about how our glass manufacturers develop the products we use everyday!

The information provided in this blog post was obtained directly from the manufacturer, their website or by observation. 

Stock codes explained
Oceanside G&T - Our stock code abbreviation = OGT
Oceanside's head office is located in California USA but they produce their glass in Tijuana, Mexico! Originally a tile company that acquired Spectrum’s equipment when Spectrum closed in 2016.

Oceanside's numerical system is built on 8 different glass categories. It is possible to identify their glass using their numerical system as each number corresponds to a category, colour, intensity of the colour and translucency. 

The first digit is the glass category which describes characteristics such as if the glass is translucent, opal, or a mix of 2 or more colours.

CATEGORY/SERIES - Always the 1st digit in a product code 
100 series = Transparent/cathedral (single non-opal colours).
200 series = Opal glasses, either solid colours or non-white opals in a transparent mix.
300 series = Mix of single transparent colour with white opal.
400 series = Mix of two transparent colours.
500 series = One transparent colour described by blended hues (like greenish blue).
600 series = 3+ Multi-colour mixes including white opal.
700 series = 3+ Multi-colour mixes not including white. (Oceanside has no 700 series products)
800 series = One blended-hue transparent (500 series) mixed with white opal.

The second digit in the stock codes describes the only or dominate colour of the glass
1 = Amber
2 = Green
3 = Blue
4 = Purple
5 = Red
6 = Yellow
7 = Orange
8 = Gray
9 = Pink
0 = Clear
00 = Black

The third/fourth/fifth digits indicates another colour or the intensity of the colour depending upon the series. The number(s) that come after the dash indicate the translucency and/or intensity of the colour depending upon the series it is describing.

Colour intensity scale
0.1 to 0.9 = pale
1 to 2 = light
3 to 4 = medium 5 to 6 = dark
7 to 9 = very dark

Unlike Spectrum, Oceanside no longer uses decimal points in their stock codes and has replaced it with a dash.

Oceanside textures
Oceanside textures will follow at the end of the colour SKU. You will only find these textures in Oceanside the same way that Wissmach is the only manufacturer of the Florentine pattern. Although most manufacturers have, lets say, a granite glass they do not necessarily have the same appearance. 
C = Cord
CC = Corsica
CZ = Corteza
FL = Firelight
G = Granite
GG = Crystal Ice
H = Hammered
HS = Hammered small
K = Krinkle
QR = Quarter-Reed
R = Ripple
RR = Rough Rolled
RW = RainWater
S = Smooth surface (no texture)
Seedy = seedy glass
SN = Satin
SNseedy = Satin Seedy
V = Vecchio

Oceanside then follows most of their glass with a “F” to label the sheet as a COE 96 fusible glass. Fusible glass is not limited to fused glass projects. All Oceanside fusible glass can be used in your stained glass windows. You can then use the scraps in fusing projects which means less waste!

Oceanside, we are very lucky to have you. Thank you for all you do!

Paul Wissmach - Our stock code abbreviation = PW
Wissmach is located in Paden City, West Virginia and has been producing glass since 1904. This OG produces some of our most loved textures such as Corella Classic and Florentine! Wissmach offers three product lines - Art glass, glass textures and 96 tested compatible. The Wissmach numerical system has evolved over 100 years. Often the glass colours codes would count up as new colours were produced.

Art glass 
You’ll typically see these abbreviations after the numerical colour code. This describes density and how much light is transmitted through the glass.
No code - Cathedral
DD - High Density
D - Dense density
L - Light density
LL - lighter Density
VM -Victorian Mottle
WO - Wispy Opalescent
XX special
M medium

Wissmach Glass Textures
AQ = Aqualite
A = Aerolite
CC = Corella Classic 
DD = Dew drop
EM = English Muffle
RR = Stream
R = Ripple
M = Moss
FLOR = Florentine
H = Hammered
F = Flemish
FIG-C = Figure C
G = Granite
SDY = Seedy
MYS = Mystic

Wissmach 96 tested compatible
Wissmach has a “96” in their stock codes to identify their COE 96 fusible glass. Wissmach conveniently has their 96 glass on their website with photos before and after firing. All fusible glass cuts, grinds and acts the same as “non-fusible” glass. This glass line is designed to be used for kiln projects and can also be used in your art glass projects!

If the glass is iridescent the stock code typically ends with “IR” for iridescent. With the exception that Wissmach luminescent fusible glass ends with an LU for luminescent. The iridescent and luminescent Wissmach coatings look mostly identical and the difference is that their luminescent glass is meant for warm glass (kiln work) while the iridescent coating is tailored to cold glass (stained glass) projects.

Thank you Wissmach Glass!  We appreciate you all your hard work!

Youghiogheny - Our stock code abbreviation = YO
Youghiogheny has been making beautiful and brightly coloured art glass in Connellsville, Pennsylvania since 1976. Youghiogheny glass is located on the Youghiogheny River in PA. Youghiogheny’s colour coding system is broken down by a numerical system that refers to the colours in each glass. There are a lot of exceptions. Youghiogheny has 8 different glass product lines.

Youghiogheny product lines
Stipple, High Strike, Reproduction, Oceana, System 96, texture, True Dichro and Uro by Yough. 

The 3 digit codes are cathedral and opals are 4 digits. This numerical system is the same for both fusible and non fusible glass. 

Colour numerical code
1= white
2= brown
3= purple
4= green
5= amber / yellow
6= blue
7= pink or gray
8= clear
9= red

Click here to see Youghigheny’s glass on their website. They provide both a backlit and not back lit photo.

Thank you Youghiogheny for your commitment to the art glass community! Your glass brings a stained glass window so much depth and your colours are absolutely dreamy. 

Kokomo - Our stock code abbreviation = KO
Kokomo has been keepin’ it real and producing opalescent glass since 1888 in Kokomo, Indiana. Kokomo has a very interesting history on how they came to be one of the leading glass art manufacturers in the United states. You can read more about it on their website! Kokomo proudly supplied Louis Comfort Tiffany with glass for his world famous creations and is still the main source for Tiffany reproductions and restorations. It appears that Kokomo's stock codes count up perhaps when new colours were created.

Density Scale
These abbreviations will follow after the colour code to describe light density.
D — very dense, diffuses light
MD — medium density, limited light transmission
No code — KOG’s most common density
ML — medium light density, considerable light transmission
L — light, near translucent opal
LL — streaky, the glass is a combination of two or more cathedral colours with no opal content 

Kokomo Texture abbreviations
Smooth (no abbreviation will follow the colour code)
A= Seedy
F= Flemish
G= Granite
GCP= Granite Catspaw
H= Hammered
RIP= Ripple
RON= Rondalite
SCP= Smooth Catspaw
TIP= Tight ripple
V= Vertigo
WAV= Wavolite

Thank you Kokomo for your dedication to the art glass industry. I look forward to seeing you get your production back up and running!

Van Gogh - Our store abbreviation = VG
Van Gogh glass is a painted glue chip glass produced in North Carolina USA. Van Gogh glass is not like your regular art glass. It looks its best when the light reflects on the front to display its vivid, sparkly colour. For this reason Van Gogh glass is best used for projects such as but not limited to boxes, mosaics and wall art. I often am asked if the Van Gogh coating will be removed with flux application. Thankfully I have not experienced the flux damaging the paint like it does with the silver backing on a mirror! Excessive grinding is the biggest culprit for damage to your Van Gogh. So, we always recommend a fine diamond bit when grinding Van Gogh glass.

Van Gogh glass has a numerical and alphabetical colour system where each colour has either a number or a letter abbreviation. The sparkles are written out with their full name and do not have an abbreviation. When two or more colours are present in the glass you will see the additional colours in the second and third digit on the base colour code.

 Base Colours
100 Green
200 Bronze
300 Blue
400 Purple
500 Violet
600 BlueGreen
700 Red
800 Copper
900 Gold
CH Champagne
SI Silver
EM Emerald Green
SG Spring Green

Black Sparkle
Blue/Violet Sparkle
Copper Sparkle
Gold Sparkle
Green Sparkle
Red Sparkle
Turquoise Sparkle

All of the Sparkles are available in the Morisco and Rain texture!


Antique Glass
One more term I wanted to touch on is the word Antique. When a sheet of glass is described as antique is does not refer to the age of the glass but rather in the style in which is was produced. Antique means that the glass was made using the mouth blown cylinder method rather than by produced a machine.

I hope this helps you shop for art glass with confidence. As you work with glass overtime you will start to recognize and become familiar with the colours and textures. You definitely do not need to know all of the manufacturer codes to enjoy glass art. This is merely a reference so you can have a deeper understanding on what those numbers and letters on sheet glass mean. Thank you for reading!

With gratitude,


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Thank you, thank you, having a list like this when you are new to stained glass is very helpful, again thank you

Barbara Orr

THANK YOU!! I was so overwhelmed and confused the first time I went sheet glass shopping and this is exactly the kind of cheat sheet that would have helped! I bookmarked it and will print a copy to keep in the car too, you never know when you’ll run into a good deal on glass 😅🤣

I would love to see a future blog post on how you compare glass pricing between different manufacturers and retail stores, as that is something that is driving me up.the.wall.! It seems like no two price their glass by the same sizes or weights, so I’m hoping you have a trick for comparing the cost of two different pieces of glass when they were sold in different measurements/weights. It would also be great to take this information and do a deeper dive on how you determine how much you are going to charge for a piece and/or commission, preferably including how to calculate the cost of our supplies/materials and our labor per piece so we can make sure we aren’t constantly losing money! I think these are big asks but both are questions that I’m struggling to find open information about as I am new to the craft. Again, thanks so much for the helpful article on deciphering glass labeling codes and I look forward to reading more and more great content!!

Bridget Daly

Another great blog! It was really interesting how they make their codes and makes a lot more sense now. Thanks!

Jenn Hayston

Very informative! Thank you very much for sharing this info! I’ve been trying to take note of the stickers on my glass before I remove them.


Fabulous post! Now I need to go check my stock and see if I can decipher what I have :). Thanks Jess – as always – great help!!


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