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Lucent Glass

Fused Glass Colour Theory PDF & Kit

Fused Glass Colour Theory PDF & Kit

Regular price $125.00 CAD
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Kit style

Ever wonder what is happening in the kiln during firing? During this online course we will explore how colours react and change in the kiln. You will gain a understanding and learn to anticipate the outcome of your projects. This course provides step by step instruction and enough materials to complete two 6" fused glass projects. Learn about glass layering, reactions, how to prep a fusing mold and firing schedules.

Kit Contents
-2x 6"x6" Clear 2mm Fusible Glass
-1x 3"x6" Clear 3mm Fusible Glass
-10x 3"x6" Fusible Art Glass in Assorted Colours (5 hot colours and 5 cool colours)
-Detailed 16 Page PDF Instructions
-Two Firing Schedules

Additional Supplies Needed (Not Included)
-Glass cutter, grozing pliers, running pliers 
-Papyros Kiln Shelf Paper 
-Kiln Wash
-Haike Brush
-8” CPI Square Slumping Mold (or another appropriate sizes slumping mold)
-Glass Fusing Kiln
-White School Glue or Other Fusing Glue

Don’t have a kiln?
We offer kiln rentals! Bring in your project to be fired in our kiln.

Our kiln rentals includes kiln paper, help to program the kiln and the fire time. You can fit four projects of this size in our 14" Even Heat kiln!


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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Monique Barbeau
Fused Glass Colour Theory PDF only

Excellent document explaining what happens to colour during fusing. Very helpful.